AMAC Action Releases 2024 Advocacy Annual Report Highlighting Year of Accomplishments
AMAC Action has released its annual Advocacy Report for 2024 highlighting another year of record growth and policy wins at the local, state, and federal level.
With critical elections and policy battles nationwide last year, AMAC Action flexed its muscle as one of the most influential and fastest-growing conservative grassroots organizations in the country. AMAC Action’s army of advocates grew to over 400,000 strong, and these dedicated patriots made their voices heard on critical issues ranging from election integrity to border security, protecting unborn life, and defending parental rights.
In total, AMAC Action mobilized more than 800,000 Americans to participate in get-out-the-vote efforts last year. More than 2,500 AMAC members and friends served as poll watchers and election workers, helping ensure that our elections were fair and transparent.
AMAC members also sent more than 80,000 messages to elected officials across 135 call-to-action campaigns throughout the nation. These efforts helped pass more than 22 pieces of state legislation upholding common-sense conservative principles. AMAC Action held 170 meetings with House and Senate members, sent 45 letters to Congress, and was party to 18 lawsuits in defense of Americans’ constitutional liberties.
The number of AMAC Action statewide chapters also grew to 22 last year, continuing the momentum the organization has built since its founding just five years ago. More than 7,800 individuals attended in-person or virtual chapter meetings.
The roaring success of AMAC Action’s 2024 advocacy efforts has created even more opportunity for 2025. As AMAC Action Senior Vice President Andy Mangione said, “AMAC Action is energized to be working with the Trump Administration on the issues that matter most to our members. As our priorities are closely aligned with the new administration’s, we expect to make significant progress on behalf of the membership in 2025.”
Read the Full 2024 Report Here!
AMAC-Backed Bill to Ban Ranked-Choice Voting Advances in Kansas Legislature
A Kansas Senate committee passed a crucial bill banning ranked-choice voting on Tuesday, delivering another victory for AMAC Action’s nationwide campaign to raise awareness about the danger that ranked-choice voting poses to election integrity and the democratic process.
The legislation, SB 6, specifically states that “[n]o form of ranked-choice voting method shall be used in determining the election or nomination of any candidate to any federal, state, county or other municipal elected office.” After expected passage in the full Senate, SB 6 will move on to the Kansas House.
AMAC Action Senior Vice President Andy Mangione submitted written testimony in support of SB 6 last month, helping pave the way for the bill’s passage through the state Senate this week. “AMAC Action was pleased to testify on behalf of AMAC’s 26,600+ Kansas members in support of SB 6. Ranked-choice voting is a scourge to our electoral system,” Mangione said. “It has long been shown to cause confusion, disrupt vote tabulation, and disenfranchise voters, and we’re grateful for the leadership demonstrated by the Kansas Senate’s Federal and State Affairs Committee to ban this ineffectual voting scheme. We look forward to the Kansas House doing the same.”
This latest victory in Kansas notably comes on the heels of multiple victories on the ranked-choice voting front in 2024. Following AMAC Action get-out-the-vote campaigns, Missouri, Oregon, and Idaho all passed measures banning ranked-choice voting, bringing the total number of states that have expressly banned the practice to 11. AMAC Action has also been active in other states working to block measures to implement ranked choice voting, and partnering with other conservative organizations.
In the months ahead, AMAC Action will continue to be at the forefront of efforts to educate Americans about the perils of ranked-choice voting and ensure the integrity of our electoral system.
Legislation and Policy Support
H.R. 645 – National Constitutional Carry Act
This critical legislation ensures that law-abiding Americans—especially seniors—are not unjustly stripped of their Second Amendment rights when they travel or reside in restrictive states and ensures that citizens can exercise their right to carry firearms in public spaces without facing excessive government interference. Click here to read AMAC Action’s letter of support.
H.R. 740 and S. 275 – Veterans’ ACCESS Act of 2025
When a veteran makes the decision to seek help for addiction or PTSD, they cannot afford to be put on a waiting list or denied access to a treatment facility that could save their life. The Veterans’ ACCESS Act of 2025 ensures these critical treatments are accessible without delay. Click here to read AMAC Action’s letter of support.
Indiana HB 1426 – Indiana Bill Requiring Safety Trials for New Drugs & Devices
This important bill adds another layer of protection for consumers by requiring medical, pharmaceutical, biological, or technical products that have been designated as immune from liability under federal law to undergo a placebo-controlled study before they can be distributed, manufactured, marketed, or administered in Indiana. It also requires the Indiana Department of Health to monitor and publish data which affords consumers the opportunity to make informed decisions regarding their healthcare. This legislation also contains measures that allow the Attorney General or a private individual to bring an action if the requirements concerning liability shield products are not met. Click here to read AMAC Action’s letter of support.
February 4 Chapter Meeting: GA-11 Delegate Gary Henderson hosted the chapter meeting and discussed how we restore common sense and fiscal responsibility to our county government.
Action ☆ Academy
Do We Have Health Care or Sick Care?
In PragerU’s 5-minute video Do We Have Health Care or Sick Care?, Max Lugavere, science journalist and nutrition author, has a simple and practical plan to fix our broken healthcare system. PragerU is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit that promotes American values in short educational videos for people of all ages.
Term of the Week: Party Whips
“The term ‘whip’ comes from a fox-hunting expression—’whipper-in’—referring to the member of the hunting team responsible for keeping the dogs from straying from the team during a chase.” Whips traditionally serve as assistant leaders and are responsible for “counting heads and rounding up party members for votes and quorum calls,” maintaining party discipline, managing party strategy, communicating party positions to members, and occasionally standing in for leadership in their absence.
(“U.S. Senate: About Parties and Leadership | Party Whips.”,
Class for January and February
Great Books 101: Ancient to Medieval
Reading great literature can help improve critical thinking skills, broaden your understanding of the world around you, and provide insight into human nature. In the free online course Great Books 101: Ancient to Medieval, Hillsdale College introduces you to great literature from early authors of Western Civilization. In 11 sessions learn about such classics as Homer’s Iliad and Odyssey, Dante’s Inferno, and Chaucer’s Canterbury Tales.
Quote of the Week
“The people are the final authority in a republic.”
— Cicero, On the Republic
Fight to save the America we love! If you’d like to become a volunteer AMAC Action Delegate, please contact us at (855) 809-6976 or
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